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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

Guidance of business "Oedo visiting historic spots" of the 40th anniversary of Oedo Buddhist monk mendicant

As for Haguro Buddhist monk Rogation Days that had been performed in Tokyo expecting the New Year, this year reached the 40th anniversary as the first time in 1979.
The 50th daiten*betsuto which looked up at the father of the interest out of Dewa Sanzan with the 35th anniversary formed a visit to a grave corps to Niijima of Izu who became quiet and did it with the trip of the memorial service for 2 days and 1 night.
I make a prince of the 32nd Emperor Sushun this time and, as an initiator of Dewa Sanzan, a relationship of the bee child prince life, visit the Musashino Mausoleum graveyard of Hachioji, Tokyo and visit the ground of the relationship of each site in Tokyo with the official worship of the Showa sky Imperial mausoleum.
Please participate at this opportunity.


Date Tuesday, March 6 Tokyo one day course
25 capacity 40 minimum passenger count
Expense 13,000 yen (worship charges, large-scale bus fare, lunch charges)
Deadline February 20


◎A person in charge of Oedo mendicant secretariat: Ito
〒997-0211 7, Haguromachitouge, Tsuruoka-shi telephone 0235-62-2355 FAX0235-62-2352

◎Sightseeing in ryokotorimatoi me Tsukiyama service (No. 2-265) Eiji Sugawara
〒997-0141 126-1, Maetamoto, Haguromachiarakawa, Tsuruoka-shi carrying 090-2369-8587 FAX0235-62-4688


*About the business of the 35th anniversary, please see "Miyama compendium of seasonal words".

*About the detailed information or travel schedule, please confirm following "Oedo visiting historic spots flyers" (PDF file) after downloading.

Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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