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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

"Mt. Haguro Five Storeyed Pagoda light-up" special red seal distribution news
"National treasure Five Storeyed Pagoda light-up" is held from last month in 2022,
For from 11 to 15 on August, I distribute "yakansanhaigengoshuin" only in October 15 on September 25.

★For a lot of favorable reception, requests, I added a distribution schedule.
○A sealed letter issued by a shogun addition schedule: From Saturday, September 17 to September 19 Monday (holiday), September 23 Friday (holiday) - Saturday, September 24
○Distribution time: 18:00-20:00
○A distribution place: The Shinto door front conferment place
○Money offered to God charges: 500 yen
○A distribution sealed letter issued by a shogun: By night worship-limited sealed letter issued by a shogun (sealed letter issued by a shogun of the sumi)
※As for the sealed letter issued by a shogun of the additional schedule, only a note becomes the distribution. There is no direct, writing it.

★Distribution place
  The Mt. Haguro Shinto gate conferment place (the Haguro foot of a mountain, the neighborhood of starting point of the stone stairway)
★Distribution time
[August] 18:30-20:30
[September, October] 18:00-20:00  ※Only September 25, October 15 becomes the red seal of the gilt character.
★Money offered to God charges
 500 yen
☆The light-up holding schedule the ➡ light-up date (flyer pdf) 

This year "waterfall projection mapping (from 17 to 19 on September) of Suka,"
The kitchen car (August 15, September 25, October 15 limitation) of a barbecued chicken and the ice cream comes over, too.
Come to the Five Storeyed Pagoda light-up to be able to taste atmospheres different in the daytime by all means at this opportunity.
Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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