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Hokotate Niiyama Shrine


Enshrined deity
High 龗 God
God of God, the water source of God, a dragon King, the rain request of the water
Benevolence of the gods
Offer prayers for rain, kihare, agriculture water security, business prosperity, couple harmony
There is the stone called the snake pillow (pillow) stone (I let you be) on the bank of the hunting basket no pond. There is the hallowed ground of the thick grove that this pike (pike) ritsu (I stand) Niiyama (shinzan) controlling shonantaisan great avatar place is protected.

Dragon King legend

Hunting basket no pond looks like an inferior when I climb up the peak where story ① concerning the hunting basket no pond is steep. As it is a snake again in this place, and the obstacle that the ability de-(noujo) Crown Prince (I have a sea bream) quieted with a medium stone earlier did the obstruction of ascetic practices in old days, the Crown Prince says to this pond hunting basket metakotokarakonoyoni christening figure.

A large snake lay on the way, and propagating Buddhism Great Teacher (I do enormousness in this way) (initiator of the Shingon Buddhism) accomplished becoming ill at the time of mountain climbing in the story ② old days concerning the hunting basket no pond. Because the Great Teacher confined it to this pond using the dharmatic power, I say hunting basket no pond.
※It was thought with wealth miomotarasu god of water in the world at the same time as a snake and the dragon as the symbol gave harm to a human being in god of water.

Schoolmaster (I ask a calyx) (the pipe head) lived from generation to generation around story ③ Mt. Haguro Five Storeyed Pagoda concerning the hunting basket no pond. The age of the drought (hideri) prayed for the rain for general public, and I passed through hokasei (hokkesei) rain (u) in the hunting basket no pond, and it was a flood on 3rd, and moisture (sell) did the earth when I got o sho.
Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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