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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

Announcement of sealed letter issued by a shogun distribution of the Mount Yudono dirt color [Mt. Haguro Five Storeyed Pagoda]
Mount Yudono hits in Kei year in the open Ox age relationship year in this year, and it is said that the benefit for 12 years can get Dewa Sanzan Shinto shrine when I pray.
Using dirt to be given from God hot water springing out from an object of worship of Mount Yudono in on this occasion, I distribute a sealed letter issued by a shogun of Five Storeyed Pagoda only in a day to be accompanied by 5 every month in the Shinto gate conferment place of the Haguro foot of a mountain. You visit at this opportunity, and accept a special sealed letter issued by a shogun. 
A distribution place: The Haguro foot of a mountain Shinto gate conferment place   ※The Five Storeyed Pagoda sealed letter issued by a shogun of the dirt distributed it with 11/25 and was finished.
Money offered to God charges: 500 yen

※In the main hall conferment place at the Haguro mountaintop, I distribute a sealed letter issued by a shogun of the dirt of Mikami enshrining of more than two deities only in the day of the Ox of the month.
  As you are easy to be wrong, please be careful.
Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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