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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

It is news about the Himori distribution of the Ox
The Imperial mausoleum of Haguro gets more like spring, too, and look forward to a thaw; nowadays.
A relationship age business temporary exhibition is started on April 29 in Mt. Haguro Museum in the Year of the Ox in sate, next month, but distributes a lucky charm in the day of the Ox when I shared it in Mt. Haguro gathering last year.
I will share it with a limitation of 1,000 limitation next month until ... around May 5 from April 29.
This lucky charm rotates once in 12 years, and the who had you receive it may just have it to celebrate the forthcoming Year of the Ox as hosei is the lucky charm which I did.

 ●Distribution period
   Until from Friday, April 29, 2022 to May 5 around Thursday
 ●Distribution place
   The Dewa Sanzan Shrine gathering conferment place (the Haguro mountaintop) 
   Time in 8: 30 - 16:30
 ●Money offered to God charges
   2,000 yen
   ※I distribute it as soon as limited 1,000 bodies disappear and am finished,
    Mail-response impossibility

 All of you who were not able to receive it would appreciate your receiving it last year during this period.
As I will perform various entertainments from all over the period for the Golden Week,
I look forward to the worship of a large number of all of you.

Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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