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News from Dewa Sanzan Shrine  

Announcement of recruitment of Dewa Sanzan Shrine history Museum "lecture to learn cultural assets of Mt. Haguro, and to enjoy with Buddhist cuisine" participants
In Dewa Sanzan Shrine, Suginami tree or the historic spot natural beauty spot as not only the building including national treasure Five Storeyed Pagoda in Mt. Haguro but also the natural monument are appointed much and act for the preservation succession.
In commemoration of honnentsukisanusaigoennen, I invite the expert of each field and hear a story while touching the cultural assets directly.
In addition, the Buddhist cuisine of represented Mt. Haguro is known to not only Japan but also the world for the food culture of the Buddhist monk, and please appreciate the full-scale Buddhist cuisine after learning.
I accept the application until three days before the date.
◎Application Dewa Sanzan Shrine history Museum (the Thursday closure) TEL0235-62-2356

The first building "country-designated important cultural property Mt. Haguro Mikami enshrining of more than two deities and bell tower, city-designated tangible cultural property Shinto priest-purification shelter"
*The date      Friday, June 23
*Lecturer Matsuzaki lightener Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University guest professor 
*Meeting reception desk in front of the schedule 10:00 Haguro mountaintop conferment place → Bell tower → Mt. Haguro Mikami enshrining of more than two deities → To a 11:30 Shinto priest-purification shelter
       I eat with a story about the Buddhist cuisine more than a chef de cuisine → I am going to be dissolved at 13:00

The second craft "museum piece sword signature Tsukiyama" length 2 shaku 3 sun two minutes curve 7.5% 
*The date    Sunday, September 3
*Lecturer    tsukisan*rishitsukisan**dai six generations swordmaker
*Schedule    10:30 Haguro mountaintop Mt. Haguro history Museum meeting reception desk → Tsukiyama sword commentary → I move to a Shinto priest-purification shelter at 11:30 
        I eat with a story about the Buddhist cuisine than a chef de cuisine → 13:00 dissolution
*Tsukiyama Japanese sword training dojo studio HP 

The third natural monument "walks the cedar row of trees of country-designated special natural monument Mt. Haguro"
*Date Saturday, October 28
*Lecturer Yoshihiro Nobori Yamagata University department of agriculture's emeritus professor Tsuruoka-shi cultural assets deliberation committee member
*Schedule 10:00 Shinto door front set reception desk → I walk explanation and the stone stairway to a Shinto priest-purification shelter → Arrival at the 11:30 Shinto priest-purification shelter
       I eat with a story about the Buddhist cuisine than a chef de cuisine → 13:00 descent from a mountain

The fourth sculpture "prefecture-designated tangible cultural property wooden Amitabha statue, wooden god of treasure statue"
*Date Sunday, November 12
*Representative of lecturer Yoshinori Kakita master craftsman of Buddhist image Tokyo cultural assets center
*Meeting reception desk in front of the schedule 10:30 Haguro mountaintop conferment place → sen*do → 11:30 Shinto priest-purification shelter movement
       I eat with a story about Buddhist cuisine than a chef de cuisine → 13:00 dissolution

*Tuition     It is common with each 5,000 yen (Buddhist cuisine and lecturer reward) * time
Application     Until three days before the Dewa Sanzan history Museum (but I am closed on Thursday) reservation reception desk date

*The number of participants    Each 30 lectures
〒997-0211 7, Toge, Haguromachitouge, Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata Dewa Sanzan Shrine
         TEL0235-62-2356 FAX0235-62-2352

*As I arrange the time for questions and answers, there is some extension.

Bell tower
Large signature on a sword Tsukiyama
Suginami tree
Wooden Amitabha statue
Shinto priest-purification shelter (the House of old bloom storehouse)
Diligence low dining table ※The material changes by a season
Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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