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Legend of a mirror-pond (Mitarashi Pond)

Legend of a mirror-pond


Enshrined deity
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Benevolence of the gods
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I feel a mystery in the ponds and marshes in mountains and value it as a sacred place of the God birth and call it with the beach, ceremony of initiation water, a Buddha life pond, a legend of a mirror-pond, a rest room. The pond on Mt. Haguro does not leak out to the example, too, and call it a pond of (go) for Haguro honorific title of a Japanese god shadows (yo) and is called a legend of a mirror-pond, a rest room. That is because I believed that I can contact hit God of eyes if I see this pond. Besides, there is the thing which I can write Haguro Shrine, and only () made tama () company and furigana (). ("Dewa Sanzan - history and culture -"

Dragon King legend

①The mountaineering ascetic saw the pond at the mountaintop and sang and stood and set the artifact of wood block (katado) tta eight beside "nammukaesameiitadakirei***kuyamirokukonseikiyomehachiotsujohachidairyuohanekokusandaikengensanokukoregoiwaokuichijireihai" to the head of eight dragon kings on a prayer of praying for rain around a pond.
("Dewa Sanzan - history and culture -")

②A pirate ship of Mongolia led to Tsushima in (1274) October in 1274 and became the battle. In the Shogunate, Mongolia breaking up was wished for in a national prayer place and after praying, a light shadow of King Kuzuryu appeared from Mitarashi Pond on the mountain, and the ship of Mongolia sank in Minato of Sakata underwater as soon as I flew it without remaining and calmed down. It is reported that I contributed a bell by this apology virtue. ("a collection of Miyabi Miyama")

Dewa Sanzan Shrine (Mt. Haguro)
The morning 8: 30 - afternoon 5: To 00
About the mail correspondence of a prayer, the lucky charm,
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